Friday, July 24, 2020

Will America be destroyed?

Will America be destroyed ?

On April 1st, I saw an email  titled, “Let’s play global warfare.” In it the reader was asked to assume you are one of two world-wide superpowers and realistically the “underdog.” How do you destroy it without military confrontation, without a single shot fired? What if you could invoke a form of chemical warfare in a manner that you also suffer in order to divert world blame, but cause disproportionate suffering on your enemy, like economic disruption, a disproportionate re-allocation of resources to domestic spending and away from defense, civil unrest, …  How could you destroy your enemy from within, effectively, cause your enemy to destroy itself?

Now go forward to today … The U.S. Population is 330,000,000. In just five months the number of deaths from COVID-19 is 142,000.  Compare this to 1.8 million total cancer cases diagnosed in the U.S. 2019 and 607,000 deaths. In just five months COVID-19 has killed about 25% as many Americans as died from all causes of cancer in all of last year. But as you will see, this is about more than just deaths and it is happening before our eyes. In fact, it is not unreasonable to suggest that an intentional, very well-orchestrated plan has unfolded and is unfolding before our eyes ... with the United States, the strongest economic and military power in the world, the primary target.  How?
·        Release a virus with no known antibody or vaccine that is easily transmitted. 
·        Cause social and functional isolation, but not sufficiently so to interrupt transmission.
·        Enlist media to create and amplify fear, count the number of cases, the number dead, every hour of every day, on every TV channel, in every newspaper. 
[By the way, less than one percent of those who get COVID-19 die. Did you get that?  Less than 1% die. (3.8 million cases and 142,000 deaths) And approximately one-third of those deaths had other medical problems. and]
·        Force closure of businesses and create the greatest level of unemployment in decades.
·        Remove entertainment and prohibit recreation; close parks, gyms, bars, restaurants, sports.
·        No socializing. No sports. No touching. Isolate people. Dehumanize them.
·        Close houses of worship. 
·        Create a social vacuum and let depression, anxiety, hopelessness and desperation set in.
And then (and many of these things are possible and predictable only in a country like America) ... 
·        Ignite hatred and civil unrest, turn citizen against citizen, effectively creating civil war.
·        Empty prisons and fill streets with more criminals.
·        Allow anarchists and others to vandalize property as if they are freedom fighters. 
·        Convince governments at all levels to stand aside in the name of freedom of expression. 
·        Undermine law and order, riot, loot, attack law enforcement, all under the banners of everyone’s favorite “cause” 
·        Call for defunding law enforcement and abolishing police to assure the final destruction of civility. 

America is at risk of being destroyed from within, without a single shot fired and within a period shorter than any war in history. 
The probability that this is the result of a chance occurrence, a random act, is virtually zero. 
The probability that this is the result of an intentional act is extremely high.
Indeed, the most plausible conclusion is that America has been and is being intentionally manipulated by someone whose goal is the destruction of America. 
Will they be successful?