Wednesday, February 13, 2013

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As Rome begins the season of Lent, the Pope; Pope Benedict XVI has already announced that he will be stepping down. Needless to say there has been a flurry of excitement, shock, discussion on the reason and meaning for this resignation and of course the prophets are out and about. This will be a short blog and it relates to the prophets, most of them appear to be languishing at the thought that the Roman church will now become a bastion of liberality, this is of course welcomed by those who want the modernized liberal Catholic church so that they no longer have to be accused of living sinful lives  and can do whatever it is that they choose to do.

Others who are languishing over this idea of a liberal Catholic church are doing so because they have been pointing their fingers at the Popes and accusing them of being the Antichrist and/or the leader of the One World Church. This liberalization of the church will only prove that hey are right. Others are actually predicting the collapse of the Roman church and are looking forward to it. This is coming from those who claim that they are Christian. I find this to be amazing. I have been writing for quite a long time on the role of Rome in Christianity. Although there are differences between Roman and Orthodox understandings, Rome is from the beginning. I am amazed at those who are actually looking forward to the demise of Roman Catholicism.

I would really like to know how it is that if Rome were headed by the Antichrist at a time when the world has completely rejected Jesus Christ in all of the world governments, why are they leading the church against the attacks of governments on abortion, why do they speak out so much against human trafficking? Why are they prepared to become imprisoned rather than obey the civil law that goes against the Law of God?

I am going to say this again; if Rome were to fall, so will the rest of Christianity, all true Christians will become open targets, only those who become churches of the state will survive unscathed by civil authorities. These groups will not be preaching the Christ, the world will be dark and yet it will believe that it is light. Jesus Christ said that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against His church, to attack His church is pitting you against Jesus Christ. So many attack me for these words but I tell you the truth, if Rome falls you who attack will be forced into a decision, accept civil law and preach that which is against Jesus or be persecuted, you will then see the truth of my statements.

Also I tell you the truth, when Rome goes, it marks the end. Many predictions about a Black Pope and a Pope who will usher in a new order are running rampant right now. Prophecy regarding the end times and the destruction of the church does not mean that it happens because the Pope is Antichrist, why would the world level the church of the Antichrist? Everyone who is so against the Pope with the hatred that I see and hear from them truly needs to reflect on these things. If the world wants to rid itself of Rome, how could Rome be Antichrist?

Reflect on this because if what you wish were to actually come, it will be the end of you as well and the sad part is that if you have not repented before your personal fall I can only say this; may Almighty God have mercy on your soul. You must stop this prophesying and wait to see the truth, do not pit yourself against Jesus the Christ, have patience and wait on the Lord.

In Christ,
Monk Michael
Rev. Fr. Michael Valentine

Repent, Confess, Repent!


Friday, February 8, 2013

Create in me a pure heart; The Great Lent 2013

My Friends, all who truly love Jesus Christ;

Soon we will be participating in Great Lent. There is so much going on that we cannot even pretend that 'all is right in the world'. The Lenten Season is a time of fasting, cleansing and purifying, it is also a time for reflection and meditation and growing in spirit. It is a time to pray for renewal. For many years I have been talking about the purging of the church, so many refuse to listen. So many are waiting for the end and some crazy rapture of Christians, the times are constantly predicted, the Antichrist is named over and over as well as the leader of the 'One World Church'. There is so much division in the church if our Lord Jesus Christ was not truly God I think that he would have abandoned us centuries ago. The persecution of the church has never truly stopped and this occurs from without and from within.

As the world continues to change and more pressure is put onto Christianity to change with it I believe that there will be a great purging within. If the church maintains her Christian roots and continues to uphold the truth, many will protest, fight within, and ultimately leave. As the persecution continues many true Christians will be persecuted, imprisoned and very possibly killed but I believe that much death will not come from just the law but from those who make some claim to Christ who are truly followers of that evil one who will be doing much of the killing. The church will ultimately become one group of believers working together, this of course is fought against and argued about but in the last days this will become so.

Currently we are fighting still against abortion, fighting against the destruction of family and marriage, fighting against the adoption of children to same sex couples, fighting against human trafficking and sex slavery, fighting against the society that would teach our children that which is against Almighty God. All governments of this world are fully aware of all of these fights and ills in the world, they encourage these things, those who fight against them will become outcasts of society, considered to be a cancer to 'humanity', unsocial, unbending, lacking tolerance and intolerable and yet there is hope!

I have seen angels of God intervene at the last moment, during the blink of an eye when death seemed eminent they come and then they disappear just as quickly, I have seen the Holy Mother, I have seen situations turn when there appeared to be no hope. My friends, we must have a pure love in our heart, this is the only way. The Psalmist says; create in me a pure heart and a steadfast spirit. This must be our goal for it is with a pure heart that we must pray, during this Great Lent this is what we must strive for, prayer from a pure heart and a steadfast spirit. Confess, Repent, become one with the Christ. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal; have mercy on us. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal; have mercy on us. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal; have mercy on us.

We must stand in faith.

In Christ,
Monk Michael