Sunday, October 11, 2020

Pray without ceasing! 19th Sunday after Pentecost!

Bishop's blessing. 19th Sunday after Pentecost!


Bishop's blessing: 19th Sunday after Pentecost. May Almighty God purify the hidden places of your hearts,Who bestowed the increase of His blessing upon you. Amen. May He strip you of all dangers of this present life, and endow you with the ornaments of spiritual virtues. Amen. Supported by His aid, thus may you serve Him on earth, so that you may prevail to be joined to Him in the heavens. Amen. May He whose kingdom and Dominion remain without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages of ages. Amen. May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be ever with you. Amen. + William.