Sunday, February 6, 2022

5th Sunday after Epiphany 3rd Throne of Peter One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

5th Sunday after Epiphany. 3rd Throne of Peter. One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church!

Proper Blessing of the Day by a Bishop 

May the Lord remove from you dangers of all temptations, and may He mercifully exclude you from disturbances of gales. Amen.

May He dissolve all the frauds, indeed the exertions of the tempter, and make you cautious and indeed invincible against him. Amen.
May He grant unto you continuous gifts of peace, and may He be satisfied to set you apart in a harbor that is tranquil and indeed secure. Amen.

May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages of ages. Amen.

May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be ever with you. Amen


Sunday, January 30, 2022

4th Sunday after Epiphany 2nd Throne of Peter Symbolism, Allegory, Icons

4th Sunday after Epiphany. 2nd Throne of Peter. Symbolism, Allegory, and Icons.


                                   Proper Blessing of the Day by a Bishop 

May the Lord remove from you dangers of all temptations, and may He mercifully exclude you from disturbances of gales. Amen.

May He dissolve all the frauds, indeed the exertions of the tempter, and make you cautious and indeed invincible against him. Amen.

May He grant unto you continuous gifts of peace, and may He be satisfied to set you apart in a harbor that is tranquil and indeed secure. Amen.

May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages of ages. Amen.

May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be ever with you. Amen.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

3rd Sunday after Epiphany 1 Throne of Peter

Bishop's Blessing. 3rd Sunday after Epiphany! 1st Throne of Peter

                                                               Bishop's Blessing

May the Lord remove from you dangers of all temptations, and may He mercifully exclude you from disturbances of gales. Amen.

May He dissolve all the frauds, indeed the exertions of the tempter, and make you cautious and indeed invincible against him. Amen.

May He grant unto you continuous gifts of peace, and may He be satisfied to set you apart in a harbor that is tranquil and indeed secure. Amen.

May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages of ages. Amen.

May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be ever with you.