Proper Blessing of the Day by a Bishop
Benedictio in Die Sancto Paschae
(Blessing on the Day of Pascha)
May Almighty God bless you through the daily continuous Paschal Solemnity, and the Merciful One be pleased to defend you from all depravity. Amen.
And may He Who restored you to eternal life in the Resurrection of His only begotten Son, make you rejoice with the joys of immortality at His Coming. Amen.
And may you who completed the days of the Fasts or the days of the Lord’s Passion by the joys of the Paschal Feast be present at that Feast which is not annual but continuous: Through Him Who is quick to come to the assistance to the souls that rejoice. Amen.
May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages of ages. Amen.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be ever with you. Amen.