Thursday, February 9, 2012


 Do you understand this word in BOLD above? The President of the United States orders the Roman Catholic Church to fund abortions in its healthcare system.  Liberal pansies  cry about separation of church and state when the church tries to speak out against laws that go against God but when it seems to be a matter of convenience to suit their own ends they decide to attempt to tell the church how to govern itself.  This is a disgusting form of contrary lawyer speak from a lying deceitful government. But before I continue with this series I wish you to understand who it is that I am writing to. 

Aside from the world population in general, I am speaking to Christians specifically and with this in mind we must understand who it is that I am calling Christian.

 Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. But there is more also; if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.  What else is involved in this Christian life? Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. And then we have;
I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.
Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.

So, these are the people that I am speaking to, notice that there is no mention of any denomination, you believe or you do not. What else did Jesus Christ say?  If you love me, keep my commandments, …He who has my commandments with him and keeps them, he is who loves me and he who loves me will be loved by my Father. And I will love him and reveal myself to him, … If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept the commandments of my Father, and I abide in His love, …

There is no denomination here, only the denomination of Christian, this is also NOT non-denominational; it is Christian, followers of Jesus Christ, I have found those who love Christ where there is no priest, I have found those who love Christ where there is no Baptist Pastor, no Church of God Pastor, no Lutheran Minister and yet there are those who love Jesus Christ and worship and pray to Him. One denomination or another would claim that these are not truly saved because they are not of their denomination, I do not believe this, if you follow the statements of Christ that have been handed down to us then He will hear you.  But you must be actual followers of Christ.

Feed the widows and orphans, this is pretty simple. So as this letter continues through time I want all to understand, I do not care about your denomination, I care about the name of Jesus Christ in this world and how we represent it. If you spew hatred against another denomination that abides by the guidelines as given in Holy Writ then you are in error. This hatred only mocks the name of Christ in the world and there will be a time when it will not matter because true Christians will be found in all of them and yet few and far between and what then? Will you not abide with a Roman Catholic or a Baptist when all Christians are being persecuted again for being Christian and called un-American because they are Christian or called haters of society throughout the world? Will you still hold this hatred and hide alone because you are of a different denomination or will you recognize the love of Christ in this person and dwell together for the sake of the name of Christ and your own personal safety?

Whether Christians are put into the concentration camps being set up in America because we are considered as terrorists by society tomorrow or a thousand years from now doesn’t matter, we had better start recognizing Jesus Christ in one another, the purging will come soon enough, the church as a whole will be on trial before the end, the chaff will fall off and become a state church, true followers of Jesus Christ will have no tax exempt status or a state license to preach.  This will be the future church, it will be the only way to speak the truth and not be told to stop, although there will be laws about public speaking and what you can say publicly, the church will be private groups worshipping God through Jesus Christ and living as we are directed.

The world will do as it will do; we are in the world but not of the world.  We must remember this at all times and live according to the teachings of our Lord regardless of denomination. When you receive federal money or tax breaks you will speak as the federal money dictates, this will become the decision that all of Christianity will face.

We all must begin to recognize this now and teach the next generation the truth so that it is not forgotten. Who can know how long we have? Only the Father knows.

Please feel free to respond.

In Christ,
Monk Michael
Rev. FR. Michael Valentine

Thursday, February 2, 2012


To everyone who is a friend of Monk Michael here on this page,

I do not write much very often as all here know, as expected by everyone regarding one who calls himself a monk, my life is dedicated to Almighty God, through Jesus Christ, by the Power of the Holy Spirit. I struggle quite a bit with the way of the world today like everyone else and I pray; a lot.

Many would think that one who calls himself a monk would be a pacifist; however, this is not the case. The United States justified its intervention in the Middle East and its attacks into Moslem countries as a holy war, one that is being fought against ungodly people.  This writing is not about that but it is about ungodly government, the government that I am going to speak about is the United States government, it has become one of the most corrupt and deceitful governments on the planet.

Most tyrannies or dictatorships do not disguise their intentions; those that attempt to do this are not as deceitful or as skillful as the United States government. Do you the people actually believe that the President alone can determine the outcome of anything? How much have the people forgotten the participation of the Congress and the Judicial System?  Elections are coming up and the people need to think long and hard, is voting enough?  Is there enough morality left in this country to make a difference? I will become a voice against tyranny, for those who do not wish to hear about it and wish to remain complacent you may wish to elect to stop receiving posts; that is your free choice.

For those who wish to participate and bring others in while we gather the people as best as we can to stop this tyranny, I welcome you. I am not advocating armed militias storming congress, yet, something must be done. I am not a politician nor am I a political activist. I am a man of God who is sick of the tyranny and of the government who is slowly destroying this nation that started under God and which allows its people to starve, lose their homes, separate families, rewards those who refuse to work with monthly paychecks and takes the work and the lifetime of savings away from those who have spent a lifetime of working.

Being Christian does not mean that we do not speak out, the idea that Christians are not supposed to speak out against a government that does not represent God on this earth is wrong, Priests and Pastors need to begin to speak out loudly. The people need to speak and be heard, pulpit pounding needs to grow by leaps and bounds.
Please feel free to respond.

In Christ,
Monk Michael
Rev. FR. Michael Valentine