Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Nation of Twits

Rather than write a new thing today I thought that I would simply post a conversation between myself and  Bishop +Gregori, the bits of conversation that I am posting speak for themselves and no further explanation need be given. It is a small post, think what you will and respond accordingly, we are of course looking for those who are ready to stand up and be counted as true Christians and wish to live according to the truth of the Gospel and the true worship. Nothing watered down, no political correctness, just the true worship of Almighty God, through Jesus Christ in the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Monk Michael,

We have become a nation of dumbed down twits and it appears that the old saying; "Ignorance is bliss", is true because the sheeple seem happy as hell as our country goes down the crapper.


'Abouna' Gregori,

You are correct and that was exactly my point, you nailed it. Most people do not care because they have their entertainment be it sports or the latest Hollywood gossip. I have mine sorry you don't have yours is the attitude. In order to care one would have to look at one's self and get rid of the sin, people are perfectly content in their sin so they are not willing to give it up and therefore do not want to rock the boat being concerned over sin any where else, as long as nothing dramatic happens to them because of someone's sin, they will keep their eyes closed.

The decline of the education system has been systematically planned, I remember the standards being relaxed at least twice in my lifetime so that those who simply refused to apply themselves could still pass the tests to get a diploma. There is no excuse for someone with a college degree who cannot use a dictionary, high school graduates who cannot read a newspaper or even speak clearly enough for someone else who is supposed to be speaking the same language can understand them. Modern psychiatry and psychology are the enemy of God and have destroyed this nation. Science is looking for ways to disprove God and so-called Christian scientists are looking for ways to prove God. Science will never do either. I am not opposed to science, only the effort to prove Almighty God.

The church continues to splinter, God has been replaced by a collection of books, thousands of interpretations from the same words because there is no longer a true faith, truth and faith are relevant to one's opinion and interpretation of words in a book. Try to speak on things of the spirit and you will either be scorned or end up in conversation with extremists nuts who have no clue. Satan doesn't exist according to modern thought in much of the church or the other extreme is that he is to be feared to the point of personal terror if you encounter him, both opinions are ridiculous. I have personally been in life and death struggles with him over the soul of others, we can do nothing, we have no strength in ourselves, nor do we need to fear him, prayer and faith, the name of Jesus Christ , these are what defeat Satan.

It seems that even a majority of those who call themselves Christian have forgotten this.

In Christ,
Monk Michael

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