Friday, February 8, 2013

Create in me a pure heart; The Great Lent 2013

My Friends, all who truly love Jesus Christ;

Soon we will be participating in Great Lent. There is so much going on that we cannot even pretend that 'all is right in the world'. The Lenten Season is a time of fasting, cleansing and purifying, it is also a time for reflection and meditation and growing in spirit. It is a time to pray for renewal. For many years I have been talking about the purging of the church, so many refuse to listen. So many are waiting for the end and some crazy rapture of Christians, the times are constantly predicted, the Antichrist is named over and over as well as the leader of the 'One World Church'. There is so much division in the church if our Lord Jesus Christ was not truly God I think that he would have abandoned us centuries ago. The persecution of the church has never truly stopped and this occurs from without and from within.

As the world continues to change and more pressure is put onto Christianity to change with it I believe that there will be a great purging within. If the church maintains her Christian roots and continues to uphold the truth, many will protest, fight within, and ultimately leave. As the persecution continues many true Christians will be persecuted, imprisoned and very possibly killed but I believe that much death will not come from just the law but from those who make some claim to Christ who are truly followers of that evil one who will be doing much of the killing. The church will ultimately become one group of believers working together, this of course is fought against and argued about but in the last days this will become so.

Currently we are fighting still against abortion, fighting against the destruction of family and marriage, fighting against the adoption of children to same sex couples, fighting against human trafficking and sex slavery, fighting against the society that would teach our children that which is against Almighty God. All governments of this world are fully aware of all of these fights and ills in the world, they encourage these things, those who fight against them will become outcasts of society, considered to be a cancer to 'humanity', unsocial, unbending, lacking tolerance and intolerable and yet there is hope!

I have seen angels of God intervene at the last moment, during the blink of an eye when death seemed eminent they come and then they disappear just as quickly, I have seen the Holy Mother, I have seen situations turn when there appeared to be no hope. My friends, we must have a pure love in our heart, this is the only way. The Psalmist says; create in me a pure heart and a steadfast spirit. This must be our goal for it is with a pure heart that we must pray, during this Great Lent this is what we must strive for, prayer from a pure heart and a steadfast spirit. Confess, Repent, become one with the Christ. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal; have mercy on us. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal; have mercy on us. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal; have mercy on us.

We must stand in faith.

In Christ,
Monk Michael

1 comment:

Most Rev. Gregori said...

Concerning the times we are facing, the one quote that comes to mind and that is truly apropos to the coming events as far as Christians are concerned, is "Either we stand together or we hang alone." Jesus established ONE Church (HOUSE) but the Church cannot stand if it remains divided against itself.