Monday, May 20, 2013

Why Jesus the Christ?

Why Jesus the Christ?

 Why Jesus the Christ? There is a claim of many who have called themselves the messiah or a messiah in ages past.  How many of these who made this claim or the claim was made by others on their behalf, actually came and in their own words stated that they were willing to give up their life for humanity?

People go to a church and yet there are many who complain about religion, some claim to worship Jesus Christ and yet hate others who are also worshipping Jesus the Christ, many preach in his name and then prophecy against another saying things that they cannot prove and yet call themselves Christian, it seems the more outrageous the prophecy the more people there are to believe it.

So why Jesus the Christ? So many lies are told in His name that it defies reason and yet the lies keep coming, the liars keep prospering, are the people really this misled or is everyone just simply so full of hate and stupidity that they simply will never hear the truth because it will disturb their state of superiority and hatred of others?

Is any of this from Jesus the Christ? No, none of it is. Why did Jesus come when he did anyway? Weren’t the Jews going along just fine with their animal sacrifices? What did Jesus get so angry with them about? He was angry with the corruption that was contained within the temple worship. Didn’t Jesus tell those of the law and the temple that they twisted the law for their own purpose while denying the people access to heaven?

Listen, the temple was soon to be gone, the Jews did not know this but Almighty God did, the law stated that there could only be sacrifices performed in the temple, so without the temple where would the Jews perform their sacrifices and how would they do this? They can’t, not according to the Law of Moses, Jesus came and preached and those who believed him would come to see him as the final sacrifice and through him they would know that there was salvation in Almighty God through the sacrifice given by Jesus Christ and the temple destruction was not an issue.

Once the temple was destroyed the Jews had to come up with an alternative to the temple and the fact that there were no longer the sacrifices and the worship, still many refused to accept Jesus Christ, instead they have developed an alternative solution, that is; prayer, the study of the Torah or Law and performing acts of kindness or showing the love of God. There is nothing inherently wrong with these things but they are still not Jesus the Christ.

Christians see Jesus the Christ as the living law, the temple of old is gone, the old sacrificial system is gone, Jesus as the final sacrifice is the living law, He is the Word of God, through Him, the Word, the Living Law; is found salvation. What has changed?

It is still the law that saves only it is not the written law that was hard to comply to but the living law which intercedes for us in our weakness; it came in the form of a man and yet is still the law.

This is why Jesus the Christ and none other, no one else fulfilled the law, no one else willingly died for mankind so that we might have eternal life, only Jesus the Christ. There is no other name under heaven that man can be saved by. No one else is the Living Law.

Sadly the church is full of corruption, riches, abuse of power and authority. These things must be removed; it’s as simple as that, the abuse is not from Jesus Christ but from those in authority, the church today does not seem to differ much from the temple during the time of Jesus walking on the earth.

There is nothing wrong with having authority, do not take my words out of context or meaning, it is the abuse of authority and the abuse of the riches which is the sin, this is the sin of the Pharisees and the Sadducees, this is the sin of the church today.

The sin of the people is that they do not pray, the people are complacent; most just simply do not seem to care. A life of prayer needs to become a way of life for everyone; the world is on a path of self destruction and the church through its abuse is right along with it, do not think that when I say that the church is abusive that I meant it only for those in authority, I mean it for all who are members of the church, gossip, hate mongering, prophecies against one another, all of these things are abuse and all who participate will suffer. There will be no exceptions.

May you all be blessed and come to a better understanding of what it is to be Christian, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
In Christ,
Monk Michael

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