Showing posts with label orthodox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orthodox. Show all posts

Saturday, June 18, 2011


My Friend,

I realize that the time has been long since I have had direct communication with you, I am working on getting things in order in our new place but it is no easy task here where we are staying currently. I have moments where I may get a message out and so I send it quickly to the many people that I work with in the Lord. Remember, if you are doing God's will then you have been called by God; do His work with your whole heart and think on Jesus Christ and how you may be able to get closer to Him. Be fair in your dealings with everyone, remember the women and the children and be sure to care for them who are weak in health and teach those who are weak in faith, I am sending out a warning, God has placed this on my heart to get this message to everyone, the message of repentence, please be sure to pass this to everyone, all must repent, the church will be purged, do not be alarmed, those who repent will see God but the times here will be tough for the repentent because the world will not repent and those who claim the Christ but live for the world will not repent either and they will be even less merciful on the repentent than the pagans will be.

Keep up the faith and the courage to withstand the evil one, do not be fooled by one who comes and claims that he is the Christ and performs miracles in the sky for all to see. When the true Christ comes He will not have to perform miracles in the sky or anywhere else, the world will know immediately and all will be transformed in the twinkling of an eye, there will be no doubt. Do not be fooled by the miracles and visions that are coming, they are false no matter how real they seem, it is the Anti-Christ.

I hope that this quick message finds you doing well, I am sure that the political church around the world through Christendom has you alarmed. The church at large is a sham in my opinion. My message for the moment is this; the Angel of Repentence is here, the church and mankind is running out of time to repent, it is the understanding of the modern church that God will never run out of patience, I guess that the world has forgotten that man was cast out of the Garden and later that the world as it existed was destroyed by a flood.

Israel was left how many times because of sin? It was final repentence that brought them back into grace every time but nevertheless, they were cast aside for hundreds of years at a time because there was no repentence. The patience of God will run out, the Angel of Repentence is here and in case any one in the church at large has forgotten, the Angel of Repentence guards the Gate to Eden, the Garden of Paradise with a flaming sword, no one gets there without repentence.

The time is now!

In Christ,
Monk Michael

Sunday, March 27, 2011

What is Sin?

Let us take a moment to look at sin. This is a word that so many people today avoid and would like to erase from all languages. Too bad, erasing the word will not erase the issue and will only make eternity really really suck. Sin is any action that is against God, period, whether in thought or in deed. We are all sinners, as human beings we find it impossible to avoid some sort of sin in our daily life. This is what the mercy of God is all about, through Jesus the Christ we can obtain mercy and forgiveness. Far too many people today have no idea of confession of sins whether privately or publicly. The day of doom will not be a good day for those of us who choose this route of ignoring the sin, sin is not relevant to anything or anyone except to God. It is popular today to claim that what is true for me may not necessarily be true for you or anyone else.

Our creator has established a truth and it is the only relevant truth that exists, you can believe it or pay the ultimate price, we are allowed the choice of free will. Use it wisely. In creation man was created with a soul, that soul lives forever and where it lives will be determined by the choices that we make here today, through time we will look at the soul of man and the many powers that it has.

The soul has five basic powers, three of these powers are principal powers and two of these powers are secondary. The three principal powers are; memory, reason, and will. The two secondary powers are; imagination and sensuality. We will begin to look at these powers in future writings. For now allow yourself to think on this idea of sin, look at Jesus Christ to discover what is relevant to the Father. We will discover the powers of the soul soon enough. First we must understand that there is a soul, that it can be separated from not only it's own body through physical death but from it's creator through sin as well.

You can write to me for questions and thoughts at;

In Christ,
Monk Michael