Saturday, June 27, 2015

Why are Christians so alarmed?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, I call you brothers and sisters because of your love for our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. Why are you so alarmed at the events of yesterday or throughout the world? Is this not prophesied? Children of the Lord, look around, open your eyes and ears. The church has left the Holy Spirit and no longer hears. are you angry because I say this? St. John Chrysostom said these words in the fourth century. how much farther has the church fallen during the following seventeen centuries?

The church speaks against same sex marriage and about the protection of the children and yet houses and protects homosexuals and pedophiles among it's own ranks. When I say church I am speaking of all who claim the name of Jesus. insert your own church name in it's place. I do, there is no pretense from me, the corruption of the WORD is rampant. Which group is perfectly aligned wit the Holy Spirit. None of us are. The church has become complacent in it's riches and tax exemption, the teachings are diluted and the ears of the people are tickled, many do not complain and of those who do they continue to allow and participate in the corruption. How many bishops, priests, pastors, deacons, monks, and nuns or laity worship and preach the diluted word and then go home to their unmarried partner or their same sex partner or their Friday night fling?
How many of the clergy have affairs with a member of their congregation whether adult or minor? We are all sinners and the events of this world are prophesied and inevitable. What are we to do? We must, all of us individually take a long hard look at ourselves. St. Paul the Apostle said to work your own salvation with fear and trembling. How many have done this or are doing this? We are all sinners and all are guilty. We must all point finger at our own self before looking at others. remove the log from your own eye before attempting to remove the splinter from the eye of another.
Fall before Almighty God, fall to HIS mercy, pray, repent, search your own soul and become one with our Lord, there is no other way. Pray for one another that we all may be found not wanting in the Christ Jesus. Be holy as HE is holy.

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In Christ,
Monk Michael

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