Sunday, August 1, 2021

10th Sunday after Pentecost. Pestilence and Faith.


Bishop's Blessing

10th Sunday after Pentecost

Pestilence and Faith

Proper Blessing of the Day by a Bishop;

May God Who is the Life of mortals and the Salvation of sinners cleanse you of the stains of sin. Amen. May He endow you with virtue, sanctify your souls, purify your desires, and bestow upon you the companionship of the holy angels. Amen. So that by spotless faith and labor you may be found worthy to pass over to the inheritance of eternal heavenly joys. Amen. May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages of ages. Amen. May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be ever with you. Amen.



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