Sunday, May 15, 2022

Bishop's Blessing. 4th Sunday after Easter! Pusillanimous Don't be this!

 Proper Blessing of the Day by a Bishop only if present Dominica .III. Post Octavas Pasche.

Benedictio (Third Sunday after the Octave after Pascha, that is IV Pascha.)

Merciful God, grant that these people who have celebrated the healing paschal solemnity: that all Thy sheep who have been shorn be rooted in Thy desire, and may they who hope to be pleasing to Thee obtain for one another that which is needful. Amen. May they set their gaze on Thee; may they hold Thee in their heart; may they hymn Thee with their voices; may they beseech Thee with their prayers. May they shun what Thou hast forbidden; may they choose what Thou hast commanded; may they embrace what Thou hast said; may they fulfill what pleases Thee. Amen. So that in Him, mystically by means of the Sacrament of Thy faith, which has been perfected and manifested, they may lovingly receive God in the Eucharist. By the Blood which has been poured forth as prophesied, they understand with a new mind that they have been redeemed by Him. Amen. May He Whose Kingdom and Dominion remain without end, be pleased to sustain us unto ages of ages. Amen.
May the blessing of God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and the peace of the Lord be ever with you. Amen.



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